KALININA C.V., Doctor of History, Professor, Department of National and Federative Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
K.V. Kalinin is one of Russia's leading experts in the field of theory and history of the nation, national politics. Professor KV Kalinin is engaged in research relevant to the problems of Russian minorities and indigenous peoples.
Under the scientific supervision Kalinina K.V. It has formed a scientific school on the history of national minorities and indigenous peoples, on the basis of which has trained more than 60 candidates and doctors of political science.
The experience of scientific and pedagogical activity - 39 years.
Disciplines and Courses: Ethnology of Russia; national and federal relations; Theory and history of the nation and national relationships.
Developer copyright training course "Minorities and indigenous peoples in the national policy of the Russian Federation."
He is the author of many educational and training materials in this area:
- Minorities in Russia. - M., 1993;
- National minorities in the Russian Federation: the textbook. - M., 2007;
- The state national policy and management of ethno-political processes. Educational-methodical complex. - Moscow, 2009 (co-author);
- Theory and history of nations and national relations. Educational-methodical complex. - Moscow, 2009 (co-author);
- Ethnogenesis the peoples of Russia and contemporary ethnic processes. Educational-methodical complex. - M., 2009;
- Indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. Training handbook. - M., 2011 (co-author);
- Eurasian space and the formation of the Eurasian civilization / International scientific-practical conference "Eurasianism: from dialogue to cooperation." On the 20th anniversary speech at Moscow State University. MV University President of Kazakhstan, NA Nazarbayev. Abstracts. - M., 2014;
- Integration relations between Russia and Kazakhstan, as an objective process // Etnosotsium and ethnic culture. - 2014. - № 1 (co-authored).