




ANANCHENKO A.B. – Candidate of history, head of the Department of modern national history, Director of the Institute of history and policy, Moscow, Russia.

BOLTENKOVA L.F. – Doctor of Sciences (history), Professor at the Institute of public administration and management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.

DOLAEVA F.K. – Post-graduate student of the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

DOROSHENKO D.L. – Graduate student of the Department of Historical Disciplines and Methods of Teaching, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol, Russia.

DUBROVINA O.V. – Dr.Sci. (Pol.Sci.), Professor, Chancellor of the Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies, Novosibirsk, Russia.

ERMACHENKOVA V.D. – Graduate, Department of Comparative Political Science, Faculty of Political Science Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

GRITSENKO R.A. – Master Student of the Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.

HOSSEIN MOHANNAD – Postgraduate, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

IVANOVA M.G. – Candidate of Sciences (philosophy), assistant at the Chair of political analysis and management, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

KOROVINA E.V. – Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Alekseev State Technical University, Associate professor of PR, Marketing and Communications Department, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

KUCHEROV M.S. – Post-graduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy, Archpriest, Rector of the Holy Trinity Church of Kurgan, Head of the diocesan Department of religious education and catechism, Kurgan, Russia.

MARTYNENKO E.V. – Doctor of politics, Professor, Vice-rector of RUDN University, Head of Theory and History of Journalism Department, Moscow, Russia.

MOSEIKINA M.N. – Doctor of Sciences (history), Professor at the Chair of Russian history, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

NAZAROV A.D. – Doctor of Sciences (history), Professor at the Chair of advertising and public relations of the Institute of foreign languages of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow, Russia.

OLSHANSKAYA L.V. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and the Geopolitics of Transport Institute of International Transport Communications Russian University of Transport RTH (MIIT), Moscow, Russia.

ORESHIN S.A. – Candidate of historical sciences, research associate, Institute of ethnology and anthropology of N.N. Miklukho-Maclay of RAS, Moscow, Russia.

PAVLOVA A.N. – International Institute of Linguistics and Humanities, Departament of Foreign Languages, Moscow, Russia.

PETROV D.Yu. – Postgraduate student of the Department of information Management, of the journalism Department, Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia.

PROKOPCHUK D.D. – Master Student of the Department of International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.

RUPICH M.V. – Graduate student of the Pacific State University in Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk, Russia.

SABIROVA E.N. – Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Senior Lecturer, Ufa, Russia.

SALAMOV R.R. – Postgraduate student of the Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies, Novosibirsk, Russia.

SHALAEVA T.M. – Doctor of Sciences (history), chief researcher, Ethnology Department, Institute of humanitarian research of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, Grozny, Russia.

SLIZOVSKIY D.E. – Doctor of Sciences (history), Professor at the Chair of Russian history, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

STROCHKOVA O.O. – Post-graduate student of the European security Department, Institute of Europe RAS, Moscow, Russia.

TARAN I.A. – Graduate student of the Theory and History of Journalism Department, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.

TROFIMOVA Yu.V. – Candidate of historical sciences, Alekseev State Technical University, Associate professor of PR, Marketing and Communications Department, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

USHMAEVA K.A. – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of historical disciplines and methods of teaching of the Stavropol state pedagogical Institute, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activity of the Stavropol Branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Stavropol, Russia.

VLASOV V.I. – Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow, Russia.

ZAYTSEVA E.A. – Candidate of economical sciences, Alekseev State Technical University, Associate professor of PR, Marketing and Communications Department, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

ZEMSKOVA A.Yu. – Ph.D. Student of Comparative Politics Department, MGIMO-University MFA of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

ZORIN V.Yu. – Doctor of political sciences, professor, chief researcher, Institute of ethnology and anthropology of N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS, Moscow, Russia.